perjantai 29. lokakuuta 2010
A mysterious phone call...
All I could hear was mostly just blah blah. And suddenly I realized that someone has signed up for something as I myself don't really take part in such things. Atleast not that I know.
So whoever is responsible of confusing me, let me know. It's not fun when someone does something to you without you knowing about it.
Now back to bed and look like roadkill...
sunnuntai 17. lokakuuta 2010
perjantai 15. lokakuuta 2010
So any ideas about what color metal parts should be(gold, silver) and the ribbon should be? The shirt is white and really girly! I want it to stay soft, girly and just cute. No rough dominatrix look.
If anyone feels like you need picture of shirt, let me know. I'll post it then.
Front side will have same color ribbon under breasts giving some femine shape to it.
Wear PINK!
Also funny coincidence that today I had to pick up some stuff I ordered and I decided to carry the stuff in my Pink ribbon bag! I saw in it once shop and bought it. It has lots of space in it and is a great bag to use when I'm off to buy food! ^^
I'll post picture of a bag later since I just want to post this so everyone can add something pink to their outfit.
Idea behind wearing pink is that pink=breast cancer. Lots of pink=Increased awareness of breast cancer= WIN! What's with the = using? I don't know. It just feels like it explains more.
keskiviikko 13. lokakuuta 2010
Way too pink?

I know that my bag doesn't fit the outfit at all! But I needed a big bag and this is one of the biggest I have. Notice thought that my necklace fits the bag :) Chains in both! I didn't want to be too pink so instead of using my pink jeans, I used my black leggings-like trousers. And yes I use those a lot! But those are comfy and not bad looking pants! Unfortunately it was way too cold outside to go without socks but I think socks complete the outfit anyway!
Jacket - Zara
Shoes - H&M
Bag - Guess
Pants - I have no idea?

About socks and shoes with heels!! NOTE this is important! Some socks make it impossible to walk! And in a hurry I used socks that made walking IMPOSSIBLE!!! So next time before leaving home, I try walking around at home in case this happens again!
perjantai 1. lokakuuta 2010
Wishlist at the moment, well after serching through some auctions :P
For some unknown reason, I have been now wanting grey jacket with furry hood. I love leather jackets. Not real leather but fake. It's just looking great. All my real leather jackets are 2hand. Same goes with my furs. I don't want any creature to die for me so used fur is okay.
Next to it you can see a diamond cross! Oh I love cross necklaces. Don't know why but I collect those. *wink wink* I accept any cross necklaces :P
Underneath you can see weird thingy. Which actually is tube scarf. Lately I fell in love with those warm beautiful things. ^^I love also it's color, it's perfect. Light beige.<3
Under the scarf you can see rivet belt. Ah I love rivets. :P I have many rivet belts but theyre all big, not small like this one ^^ and this you can use on your waist.
I think rest don't need any words to describe them! :) Wish me luck to win the auctions! ^^
Missed the first auction :D Oh well, I don't mind because I found something I love way more!!!(and someone did bid way more than I expected so I don't think I would have paid that much either!) My new love will be shown only if I win the bid, because I intend to win it! Little hint: it's hawt *drool*
Both are Panos emperio bikinis and I drool for those. Pics are from They have huge sale right now there!!!
I recently realized that I just love Only and Panos emperio clothes. I just love them! They are Puuuuurrrr-fect! Ahh I wish I would have enough money to buy those blue ones! Sure theyre cheap but my shopping spree emptied my wallet. Completly! Those blue ones are really funky! Those red ones are gorgeous but they don't give me such energetic feeling as the blue one does :D
Only makes clothes that look great but also look great on my body! I have always loved Only. Specially I love their jeans!
Panos emperio makes gorgeous stuff! I luff those. Colors are energetic and beautiful. I'm in love.
Link also makes great clothes! Me likes a lot!! ^^ For some weird reason I can't find any of their clothes on the net. But I do own many made by link!! :o
Terranova. Oh I nearly forgot this one. But before I fell asleep I saw huge pile of Terranova bags. So yes I love their clothes aswell. How could I forgot it? Maybe because I only go to Terranova when I'm abroad. Haven't found their shop here!!!
Vila and Gina Tricot are also one of the favourites but only because it reminds me a lot of Only. I don't know why. But Vero Moda seems boring these days.
To be fair I added lovely Only's jeans and sweater and long shirt! Those look so gorgeous but aren't too colorful. More of a casual, elegant and well great! Also I was desperately looking for that necklace in the last pic and I finally found one! Will post pics of it soon :))<3
torstai 30. syyskuuta 2010
Shopping spree
This time I got myself necklace(I finally found, I have looking for this kind of for ages), bracelets(Yeah, like I ever use those), Guess-bag, Guess necklace/earrings, dress and lots of pants. Oh ye and 3 high heels! Oh and some sporty outfits. And umm, I don't remember anymore but I'm sure there was more! Felt blanket, a scarf or two and make-up and more clothes!!! Oh and few jackets and a raincoat! Oh just nevermind what I bought! I really can't remember! But when I will take pictures, you will see :D
But as you can see, I don't really seem like I control my shopping spree. But I have it under control. I buy things I have wanted and NEED. Also I not all that I bought were new or expensive. I went through sales, checked flea markets and searched through whole internet! And I know that I won't need anything now for A WHILE! :D
But if you think you can't control your shopping spree, write a list of things you need and then check every item that you really really need/want. Then check all the sales, flea markets and ebay etc. I searched throught I guess 30 shops?
torstai 26. elokuuta 2010
Postia!! Mail arrived!

So today I got a nice suprise in my mailbox. One of the things was something that I have already been waiting for. As I mentioned in Nietzu Life. But since most of the things that I got were clothes. That's why I post it here. If you're interested in pedometer, pictures and information is found there.

I suddenly fell in love with white bikinis, when I was on vacation umm somewhere. One of my white bikinis are way too beautiful for beach. So now I found these and they are perfect for beach. When youre tanned, the white bikinis look gorgeous! I love those beautiful details and I will probably make the lower part match the upper part someday.

For some weird reason, I guess it's because spring is on it's way, I wanted to buy knitted stuff. I guess when weather gets colder and overally in spring time knitted stuffs are IN! They look good and warm you up enough! ^^
Jostain ihme syystä, luulen itse asiassa, koska syksy on tulossa, nii halusin ostaa neulottua tavaraa. Luulen, että kun ilmat viilenee ja ylipäätänsä syksyn aikaan neulotut tavarat ovat IN! Ne näyttävät hyvält ja lämmittävät tarpeeksi! ^^
This is the other one. I think it's really really cute! ^^ It's light pink with little what looks like it has some glitter on it!
Tässä on se toinen niistä. Musta tämä on todella söötti! ^^ Se on vaalean pinkki, jossa näyttää olevan glitteriä!
Every detail I saw on this one is a detail that I love! I think this is a beauty! ^^
Joka yksityiskohta, jonka näin tässä on sellainen, jota rakastan! Mielestäni tämä on kaunokainen! ^^
torstai 28. tammikuuta 2010
Get ready, here's prints coming back!!
Arvaa mitä?? Kesä on tulossa!! Tai no ainakin lämpimämmät ilmat. Ellei..... Älä tee noin taas luontoäiti! Just, kun valmistaudun lämpimämpiä päiviä varten, nii taas tulee pakkaspäivä :[ Miten sä kehtaat?? Kuitenkin kaikkien olisi aika aloittaa printti vaatteiden etsintä! Miksi? Koska printit ovat upeita! Mä näytän teille, miten mahtavia printit ovat!!

As you can see, those are awsome!! :]

Kuten näet, ne ovat mainioita!! :]

perjantai 15. tammikuuta 2010
Nail Stickers

Yea, I have been awhile away. I haven't been writing or even informing why I have been so quiet. I have been busy. Not easy to believe it but I have been on away from Helsinki and trying all sort of new stuff and of course shopping. So soon I'll be posting some new treasures I have found!!
But now I want to write about what I have been doing for about 1h this morning. I was trying out nail stickers! I do actually like how they look and it's really good addition to your outfit. If I find needed wire today then I'll post pictures of nails. Sorry I have horrible nails because of my work. I'm unable to have too long nails at work. *sad* I used as a nailpolish Maybelline's Forever Strong color Tender rose. I really wanted to have a natural looking nails. On top I used Depend's allround lack. Nail stickers look like diamonds. It was easy to add nail stickers, it just took so long time because I'm clumsy...hehe. Next I'll need some help from a friend. It also might be more fun that way!

Joo, olen ollut jonkun aikaa poissa. En ole kirjoittanut mitään tai edes ilmoitellut miksi olen ollut hiljaa. Olen ollut kiireinen. Ei niin helppoa uskoa sitä, mutta olen ollut kaukana Helsingistä ja koittanu kaikenlaisia uusia juttua ja tietenkin shoppailu. Joten kohta taas postaan uusia aarteita, joita olen löytänyt!!
Mutta nyt halusin kirjoittaa siitä, mitä olen puuhaillut nyt noin tunnin verran aamulla. Olin kokeilemassa kynsikoristeita! Itseasiassa pidän miltä ne näyttää ja muutenki ovat mainio lisäys asuun. Jos löydän tarvittavan piuhan tänään, niin lisään kuvia kynsistä. Anteeksi, että minulla on kamalat kynnet työni takia. Töitten takia kynnet jäävät lyhyeksi. *surullinen* Kynsilakkana käytin Maybellinen Forever Strongin väriä Tender rose. Halusin saada luonnollisen näköiset kynnet. Päällyslakkana käytin Dependin allround-lakkaa. Kynsikoristeena ovat timantit. Oli helppoa laittaa kynsikoristeita, kesti vain kauan, koska olen niin kömpelö...hehe. Seuraavan kerran tarviin vähän kaverilta apua. Saattaa olla hauskempaakin kaverin kanssa!