So today I got a nice suprise in my mailbox. One of the things was something that I have already been waiting for. As I mentioned in Nietzu Life. But since most of the things that I got were clothes. That's why I post it here. If you're interested in pedometer, pictures and information is found there.

I suddenly fell in love with white bikinis, when I was on vacation umm somewhere. One of my white bikinis are way too beautiful for beach. So now I found these and they are perfect for beach. When youre tanned, the white bikinis look gorgeous! I love those beautiful details and I will probably make the lower part match the upper part someday.

For some weird reason, I guess it's because spring is on it's way, I wanted to buy knitted stuff. I guess when weather gets colder and overally in spring time knitted stuffs are IN! They look good and warm you up enough! ^^
Jostain ihme syystä, luulen itse asiassa, koska syksy on tulossa, nii halusin ostaa neulottua tavaraa. Luulen, että kun ilmat viilenee ja ylipäätänsä syksyn aikaan neulotut tavarat ovat IN! Ne näyttävät hyvält ja lämmittävät tarpeeksi! ^^
This is the other one. I think it's really really cute! ^^ It's light pink with little what looks like it has some glitter on it!
Tässä on se toinen niistä. Musta tämä on todella söötti! ^^ Se on vaalean pinkki, jossa näyttää olevan glitteriä!
Every detail I saw on this one is a detail that I love! I think this is a beauty! ^^
Joka yksityiskohta, jonka näin tässä on sellainen, jota rakastan! Mielestäni tämä on kaunokainen! ^^